Brand name
USA: Motegrity Europe: Resolor Canada: Resotran
Prucalopride is a medication designed to treat chronic constipation - a health problem characterized by infrequent and difficult passage of stools over a prolonged period, along with a range of other distressing symptoms such as abdominal bloating, flatulence, and even vomiting.
Traditional treatment options for chronic constipation involve mostly diet and lifestyle changes and/or laxatives.
How Does Prucalopride Work?
Prucalopride is characterized as a 5-HT4 agonist.
This means that it activates the 5-HT4 receptors for the neurotransmitter serotonin.
This activation is thought to increase the motility of the intestinal system by increasing peristalsis, or the muscle movements of the intestines that propel stool out of the body, making stools easier to pass and resulting in more frequent bowel movements.
Description of Resotran
Uses of Resotran
Available dosage forms and strengths
How should you take Resotran
Precautions and contraindications for Resotran
In case of overdosage
Warnings and Cautions
For many products we offer a lower per unit cost when you purchase larger quantities. If your quantity is larger than what is available on this website, please contact us directly.
Brand-name and generic products are therapeutically equivalent.
Whatever source country you choose, your product will take about the same number of days to arrive.
Your order for Resotran will be shipped in discreet packaging so whether the item is shipped to your home or work no one will know the contents of the shipment until opened.
Average regular delivery time:
10 days from our Canadian online pharmacy.
Delivery times for Resotran do vary depending on the location of the dispensary. The reason deliveries take time is primarily due to customs procedures that need to be completed prior to allowing our packages to enter the United States. Expedited and tracked delivery services are available from our Canadian online dispensary. Please speak to one of our online pharmacy service representatives if you have any questions about delivery times for your order.
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The prescription medications you have requested were lawfully prescribed by a qualified and licensed physician. You have attended, have had a physical examination, and have received a prescription from a duly licensed practitioner within the last year, and do not require an additional physical examination. You have not altered your prescription in any way. The duty of care with respect to the prescribing of your medications is and shall remain the responsibility of your physician. You will consult with your physician for any appropriate monitoring and testing. You will use your medication only as directed by your physician and will remain under the care of your physician while taking your medication. Except as specifically authorized by law (and further clarified herein), you are not purchasing medications for anyone else, and you will be the only person using the medications prescribed for you. In the event that you are unable to personally place your order with CheapoMeds due to age or infirmity, you can authorize someone else to place your order and assist you in acquiring your medications, so long as they have power of attorney over your affairs, and provide a copy of their legal authorization to act on your behalf to CheapoMeds.
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